Our Association's Story

Learn more about the Whitpain Recreation Association.


Our Community

One of Montgomery County's the oldest townships, Whitpain Township was founded in 1701 and is steeped in American history, serving as George Washington’s headquarters in the Fall of 1777.

While it’s unknown when the children of Whitpain were first organized to play ball, by 1963 enough community children were participating in youth athletics that the Whitpain Recreation Association was formed.

More than 50 years later, the WRA has grown into one of the largest volunteer-based youth sports associations in the state of PA.

Sports Programs

Today, the Whitpain Rec Association provides travel and intramural programs for baseball, basketball, field hockey, soccer, and softball.

Counted among its alumni are a bevy of pro basketball players, pro soccer players, members of the US Olympic and US National Field Hockey Teams, and countless college athletes.

Programs for special needs athletes have also been added, ensuring that all Whitpain children, regardless of experience or capability, are provided an equal opportunity to participate in youth sports.


Powered by Volunteers

With over 4,000 annual player registrations and nearly 400 annual coaching positions filled, the running of WRA is a massive undertaking, requiring the dedication of volunteers at the executive board, individual sport, and coaching level.

We are a community organization that needs community support. So, you live in Whitpain Township, run a business, or have children here, you have a vested interest in the work we do!

Help Write Our Next Chapter

Whether you join us, partner with us, donate, or become a sponsor, you too can shape the future of youth sports in Whitpain Township.


Follow our association on Facebook, as well as our individual sports programs on Instagram.


Choose a support topic below or explore our FAQs for broader assistance.


For general information about the Whitpain Recreation Association and its youth sports programs, email us at info@playwra.com or use the contact form below.

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©2022 Whitpain Recreation Association. Address: P.O. Box 64, Blue Bell, PA 19422 

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